- Demineralized cortical fibers rich in growth factors
- High levels of BMP-2 and BMP-7
- Superior handling and packing capabilities
- Terminally sterilized using e-beam
- High levels of growth fact ors known to stimulate
early and later stages of bone format ion

ViMax® Key Features

Osteoinductive and Osteoconductive

Contains the factors and cells needed for bone formation; endogenous bone growth factors including BMPs to recruit cells and signal bone formation.

Superior Handling and Flowability

ViMax provides seamless handling and flowability during surgical procedures, easily passing through small apertures to fill cracks and small voids.

Superior Handling and Flowability

Comparison of BMP-2 and BMP-7 content between ViMax Fiber Matrix and control viable bone matrix. The ViMax Fiber Matrix was processed using optimized methods while the control was processed using conventional method.

Wicking Capabilities

ViMax is capable of wicking Blood, BMA, and other fluids known to help increase bone growth and osteointegration. These wicking properties may also help promote the infiltration of osteogenic cells, which are necessary for bone healing and regeneration.1

  • ViMax is available in syringe or preloaded GraftGun cartridge options
  • Easily dispensed from syringe or GraftGun offering accurate delivery
  • Controlled release with GraftGun provides .25 cc per trigger squeeze

Histology Review

A histology slide with H&Estaining, 28 days post implantation, shows new bone marrow formation. New bone formation along the implant’s edge is bordered by osteoblasts.

In Vivo Testing Results

In vivo testing has confirmed D-FIBER’s ability to promote robust bone formation, demonstrating its effectiveness in supporting the body’s natural bone repair and regeneration processes.