Do you often perform bone repair procedures? If so, you might be wondering what to tell patients to expect after the procedure. Fortunately, bone repair is not uncommon. According to the Department of Commerce, the U.S. medical device exports total $44 billion each year, accounting for 40% of the total global market. With the U.S.’s dominance in the global medical device market, patients can expect their procedures to be effective. Let’s take a closer look at how to prepare your patients for what to expect after a bone repair procedure.
All procedures are different, and outcomes depend on the age and health of the patient as well as the location and severity of the break. As the surgeon, you will review the timetable with your patient when you schedule the procedure. As a general rule, patients can expect a recovery period between six and eight weeks. There are many situations where physical therapy will also be necessary, but that depends on the individual case.
Once the patient is released to go home, they’ll need several days of complete rest. As the doctor, you will prescribe pain medication to help the body rest and recuperate. It’s important that they limit any movement of the repaired area. During the first few days post-procedure, the pain should begin to lessen. Icing and elevating the affected area can help to bring some relief as well. If the pain increases, tell them to reach out to you, the surgeon, right away. They shouldn’t try to tough it out, as increased pain can be a sign of a problem.
At the time of the patient’s discharge, they should receive clear instructions on how to treat the wound site and care for their staples and stitches. It’s normal to feel some numbness at the site of the incision. Like the level of pain they have, if the numbness worsens, it’s important they contact your office right away. If the area begins to swell, they notice a bad-smelling discharge, or the area becomes red, they should also contact you right away. It’s important that they carefully follow all the instructions provided by you, the surgeon, and keep all follow-up appointments.
If you’re performing bone repair procedures, it’s important to use top-quality medical devices. Our company is here to provide medical teams with the equipment you need and answer any questions that arise. Give us a call at SurGenTec today to get started with our products!